Dio Mod cards

DefendBasicSkill1Gain 5 (8) Block.
StrikeBasicAttack1Deal 6 (9) Damage.
Fourteen PhrasesSpecialSkill3Put an Over Heaven into your discard pile.Exhaust.
Green BabySpecialSkill3Put a Fourteen Phrases into your discard pile. Exhaust.
Over HeavenSpecialAttack4Kill an enemy.
Blend InCommonSkill1Gain 5 (7) Block for every enemy in combat.
Blood ShieldCommonSkill0Lose 1 HP. Gain 7 (10) Block.
Blood SplashCommonSkill0Lose 1 HP. Apply 2 (3) Weak.
Cautious MudaCommonAttack2Gain 8 (10) Block. Deal 8 (10) damage.
Composed MudaCommonAttack1Deal 6 (9) damage. If you lost HP this turn, gain [E] and draw a card.
Dagger TossCommonAttack1Deal 2 (3) damage to ALL enemies 3 times.
Fly AwayCommonSkill1Gain 5 (6) Block. Draw 2 (3) cards.
Heavy LiftingCommonSkill1 (0)Gain [E]equal to the cost of a card in your hand. Exhaust.
HissCommonSkill1Apply 2 Vulnerable. Draw a (!M!) card(s).
Laser VisionCommonAttack1Deal 8 (11) damage to ALL enemies.
MudaCommonAttack0Deal 5 (7) Damage. Put all Muda cards from your discard pile into your hand. Exhaustive 3 (4).
RoundaboutCommonSkill1Gain 6 (9) Block. Put the next card you play this turn on top of your draw pile.
Secret PlanCommonSkill1Next turn, gain [E] ([E]) and draw a card.
Street SignCommonAttack1Deal 7 (9) damage. Apply 1 (2) Vulnerable.
Triple ThreatCommonAttack1Deal 5 (7) damage. If that enemy is Vulnerable, deal 5 (7) damage again. If that enemy is Weak, deal 5 (7) damage again.
Vengeful MudaCommonAttack1Deal 2 damage. Whenever you lose HP, increase this card's damage by 2 (3) for the combat.
WRYYYCommonSkill1Scry 5 (7).
WRYYYYYCommonSkill1Scry 7 (9).
WRYYYYYCommonSkill1Scry 9 (11).
WRYYYYYCommonSkill1Scry 11 (13).
WRYYYYYCommonSkill1Scry 13 (15).
WRYYYYYCommonSkill1Scry 15 (17).
WRYYYYYCommonSkill1Scry 17 (19).
WRYYYYYCommonSkill1Scry 19 (21).
WRYYYYYCommonSkill1Scry 21 (23).
WRYYYYYCommonSkill1Scry 23.
Blood SuckUncommonAttack2Deal 9 (12) damage. Heal HP equal to unblocked damage dealt. Exhaust.
Blood TransfusionUncommonPower1Lose 2 HP. At the end of combat, heal 10 (13) HP.
Coffin BathUncommonSkill2Remove all of your debuffs. Gain 10 (14) Block. End your turn. Exhaust.
Combo FeverUncommonSkill1Whenever you deal attack damage this turn, gain 3 (4) Block.
Cut DeepUncommonPower1Whenever you apply a debuff to an enemy, they lose 1 (2) temporary Strength.
Dagger SpreeUncommonAttackXDeal 8 (11) damage to a random enemy X times.
Dark RebirthUncommonPower2When you would die, instead heal to 10 (20) % HP.
Disarming VoiceUncommonSkill1Targeted enemy loses 6 (8) Strength this turn.
DiversionUncommonAttack1Deal 8 (11) damage. Put a card on top of your draw pile.
Dominating PresenceUncommonSkill0Innate. Apply 1 (2) Vulnerable to ALL enemies. Exhaust.
DonutUncommonAttack2If an enemy is Vulnerable, deal 25 (30) damage.
Double TimeUncommonSkill1 (0)The next card you play this turn is played twice. Exhaust.
FreezeUncommonSkill1Gain 7 (8) Block. Apply 1 (2) Weak.
Goodbye, JOJO!UncommonSkill2(Retain.)If an enemy has 30 or less HP, set their HP to 0. Exhaust.
MinionsUncommonPowerXAt the end of your turn, deal 3 damage to a random enemy X (X+1) times.
PLuckUncommonPower1(Innate.)At the start of your even turns, draw 1 card. At the start of your odd turns, gain 1 Temporary Strength.
Sadistic LaughUncommonSkill1 (0)Gain Strength equal to the amount of Weak and Vulnerable an enemy has. Exhaust.
Slash Through TimeUncommonAttack1Deal 7 (9) damage. Scry 4 (5).
7 Page MudaRareAttack3Deal 4 (6) damage 7 times. Exhaust.
DespairRareSkill1 (0)If an enemy is Weak and Vulnerable, remove all of its Buffs. Exhaust.
Gold VialRareSkill1Gain 5 (6) Regen. Exhaust.
Kono Dio Da!RareSkill1 (0)Put a card from your discard pile into your hand. It costs 0 until played. Exhaust.
Muda Muda MudaRarePower1(Innate.)Whenever you deal (unblocked) attack damage, gain 1 Temporary Strength.
Path To HeavenRareSkill3(Innate.)Shuffle a Green Baby into your draw pile. Exhaust.
Phantom BloodRarePower3Reduce all unblocked attack damage to 1. At the start of your turn, lose 6 HP. Ethereal. (not Ethereal.)
RefreshRareSkill1Put all of your cards with (containing) the word 'Muda' in the name (not in the name)from your exhaust pile into your draw pile. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
RegenerationRarePower1 (0)Whenever you lose HP, heal 1 HP. (You can't heal more HP than you lost.)
Road RollerRareAttack3Deal 10 (12) damage. Double this card's damage for the combat.
The WalkRareSkill0Innate. Draw 2 (3) cards. Gain 1 Strength. Exhaust.
Ultimate SacrificeRareSkillXDraw X (X+1) cards. Gain 2X (2X+1) [E]. Lose 2 HP X (X+1) times. Exhaust.
Za WarudoRareSkill2 (1)Take an extra turn after this one. Exhaust.

Dio Mod relics

Vampire BloodStarterDio_gold_colorWhenever you kill an enemy, heal 3 HP.Sweet succulent blood
Joestar BloodBossDio_gold_colorReplaces Vampire Blood. Gain [E] at the start of your turn.THIS IS THE GREATEST HIGH!

Dio Mod potions

Human BloodCommonGain 1 Strength and 3 Regen.

Dio Mod keywords

Multiword KeywordMake sure the first element in the NAMES is the same as your PROPER_NAME. The rest is to match keywords like the single word keyword.
diomod:keywordWhenever you play a card, gain 1 dexterity this turn only.

Dio Mod creatures
